I'm taking a break

I've been posting twice a week for 6 months now, as well as writing regularly for nearly four years (I've just checked and this is my 282nd post here - doesn't time fly?!?), but I've decided that I need to take a few weeks off from the pressure of taking pictures and worrying about what to write.

Now, some of you may be saying "what pressure", after all how arduous can writing a few lines and taking the odd picture be?  However life with multiple myeloma is far from straightforward, and besides getting sick quite a lot I spend a lot of time absolutely exhausted to the point where getting out of bed is a very real struggle some days.

I'm not packing in altogether though and hope to be back with all guns blazing in August.

Until then, I'll leave you with this picture of Dexter at Craig y Nos.  

Have a great summer everybody and I'll see you soon.

"come on Dad, let's explore......"


  1. Everybody needs a vacation! Enjoy your summer holiday! :D


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